Project Name



Youth for Social Changes and its partners are supported by RYCO within the second Open Call for Project Proposals co-financed by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund.

Project Timeline

December 2019 - November 2020

Project Overview

Project ‘Youth and Reconciliation: Young People Can Make Difference’ focuses on reconciliation, peace –
building and conflict management with aims to enhance knowledge and skills of participants to analyse
situations in their communities and to apply various tools, including storytelling, to raise awareness of
community members on importance of dealing with past and finding peaceful solutions to
interpersonal, inter group disagreements.

Youth for Social Changes and its partners are supported by RYCO within the second Open Call for Project Proposals co-financed by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund. 

Main Aim

Main aim of this project is to enhance knowledge and skills of participants to analyse situations in their
communities and to apply various tools, including storytelling, to raise awareness of community
members on importance of dealing with past and finding peaceful solutions to interpersonal, inter group


  • To enhance knowledge on concepts and terminologies in reconciliation, peacebuilding and conflict management;
  • To enhance participant’s skills to analyse the situations in their communities and to use various tools for reconciliation and peacebuilding, especially tools based on storytelling;
  • To increase social skills of the participants and start processes for their active participation in their communities;
  • to support capacity building of teachers in following areas: soft skills, digital skills and project management;
  • to provide the teachers an opportunity to enhance their digital skills and get to know new tools for working in online environment;
  • to provide the teachers an opportunity to develop their project management competences and increase their knowledge in the project management field;
  • to increase capacities of schools to design and implement innovative programmes that effectively address specific issues in their communities. 


1. Online training course for 6 teachers of 3 schools involved in the project. (photos)
2. Online workshop for 18 students of 3 schools involved in the project. (photos)

3. Dissemination and awareness campaigns in each school. (photos)

Taking into current situation caused by COVID – 19 in participating Western Balkans places causing many challenges to the teachers and young people we decided to base the methodology of the training and workshop on combination of online learning and independent work of the participants.

Online learning will be based on interactive sessions (input given by the trainer, group work and discussions) deliver through ZOOM platform.  Independent work of the participants will be based on access to materials and tasks given the participants an opportunity to gain deeper insight into the topics and covered issues, to gain better understanding of the realities in the region and to address and tackle specific challenges in their communities.

International online training courses and workshops aimed to enhance the knowledge of young people and teachers how to address issues of peacebuilding, reconciliation and conflict management in their communities and how to work with young people coming from post-conflict areas. Local campaigns took place in each involved school with the aim to make participants to reflect on the issues of reconciliation, peacebuilding and conflict management especially through storytelling. 


Albania - Youth for Social Changes (NGO)

Albania – “Isa Boletini” High school

Serbia – Secondary Vocation School of Kragujevac

North Macedonia - "St.Naum Ohridski“ high school

What is peace?

Active Participation in our communities

Storytelling as a tool for reconciliation

Peacebuilding Stories - Storytelling skills for young peacebuilders

Photo and video tips

Campaigning on peacebuilding and reconciliation

Project "Youth and reconciliation: Young People Can Make Difference"

Local campaigns and peace messages by youngsters - Youth and reconciliation

Disclaimer: This website is produced with the support of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) and United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (UNPBF). Its content is the sole responsibility of Youth for Social Changes and its partners and does not necessarily present the views of RYCO and/or UNPBF
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