Endero, Deshiro, Beje

Home Portfolio Endero, Deshiro, Beje

Project Name

Dream it, Wish it, Do it!

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Project Timeline

May 2014

Project Overview

Youth Exchange ‘Dream it, Wish it, Do it! ‘ aims to break the borders preventing young people become more creative and develop their ability to solve various life challenges in more creative and innovative way. Simulations, communication and problem solving challenges, group works, individual reflections, indoor and outdoor exercises will be used to create interactive learning platform based on non-formal approach and provide young people coming from various backgrounds an opportunity to get know new techniques and methods which they can apply in daily life when framing and reframing various lives situations, developing new entrepreneurship ideas or dealing with challenges that brings work in mix intercultural environment.

The Back Story

During the 9  – days youth exchange the participants developed their competencies including presentation and teamwork skills, ability of active listening and empathy or their intercultural skills and competencies so needed when dealing with challenges that  is bringing 21st century including youth unemployment.  The outputs of the youth exchange were gathered in leaflet full of tips providing other young people an opportunity to develop their creative skills and competencies and apply them in daily life.  The youth exchange ‘Dream it, Wish it, Do it! ‘  included 30 participants and 5 group  leaders coming from Albania, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Italy,  & Turkey and took place in Albania by the end of  May 2014.

This project is financed and supported by the European Commission under the Youth in Action Program. 

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