My career from zero to hero
Project Name My career from zero to hero Find more The overall objective of the action is to enhance the capacities of civil society to be effective and accountable independent actors able to engage constructively with governments on identified thematic priority of innovative solution for Youth Employment. Project Timeline May […]
Rural Youth: Let’s Awake the Opportunities
Project Name Rural Youth: Let’s Awake the Opportunities Find more Project Timeline Facebook Group Read More Project Overview Rural Youth: Let’s Awake the Opportunities has as the main aim of the project is to contribute to empowerment of rural youth in communities of societies; Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo* and Serbia. Objectives -To develop the competencies of the participants in areas of entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and project management. – To encourage the participants to become active in their communities by addressing community challenges. – To increase capacities of partner organizations to realize quality activities addressing the needs and interest of rural youth. Activities In the framework of the project will be addressed the needs and challenges through two types of activities: two international training courses with the aim to build the knowledge of rural youth and their competencies that they can apply in their future life. And series of local activities that would provide the participants an opportunity to materialize their ideas into concrete actions and to experience the process of making change. This project is supported by Regional Youth […]
Fighting Gender Inequality through Youth Work
Project Name Fighting Gender Inequality through Youth Work Find more Project Timeline August 2016 – July 2017 Project Overview Key motivation behind the project ‘Fighting Gender Inequality through Youth Work’ is to raise capacities of the organizations to effectively address gender based issues and contribute to creating gender equal […]
Project Management Academy
Project Name Project Management Academy Find more Find more in the linked Facebook group Project Timeline August 2016 – July 2017 Project Overview “Project Management Academy” has been developed as a long-term multi-measure activity engaging partner promoters from Western Balkans region as well as Programme Countries. In its essence, the […]
Dream it, Wish it, Do it!
Project Name Dream it, Wish it, Do it! Find more Find more in the linked Facebook group Project Timeline May 2014 Project Overview Youth Exchange ‘Dream it, Wish it, Do it! ‘ aims to break the borders preventing young people become more creative and develop their ability to solve various […]
Youth and Reconciliation
Human Rights Education for Rural Youth
Project Title Human Rights Education for Rural Youth Extra info Founding This project is is co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. Main Aim Human Rights Education for Rural Youth has the core aim to enable rural youth to advocate for human rights, by filling […]